Hot Hot Hot...We had such a lovely day at the design market yesterday but boy was it HOT!!! Held in picture perfect gardens of a local historic lodge the first design market was a huge success. There was a fantastic array of gorgeous Hawkes Bay design on show from divine cushions to original art, beautiful clothes and jewelery..amazing local talent!
It was really lovely to show our work to local people, some had seen us online but didn't realise we are local and some just had no idea we existed! We had an awesome response to our decals..a lot thought they were painted on the display and couldn't believe it when I pulled them off. A small group of children amused themselves for nearly and hour with the space odyssey which as fantastic and what it is all about..can't get a better test of the product than that!
We met some really cool people and made lots of contacts and thanks to my Babybaby sunblock not even a smidgen of sunburn!