Wow how slack have I been! I have tried for the last week to get here to write something but something else always comes up..fingers crossed this will get done. So many things begin with my beautiful step daughter Kyla and her divine little man Jayden have come over from Perth to stay with us for a month..yay, we are loving it especially the kids who follow Jayden around everywhere as you can see! Kyla and my eldest Zav are brother and sister so Zav is an uncle at the age of 13. I met their Dad when she was 4 so we have been part of each others life for a very long time. I am Mum, friend, and clothes provider all rolled into one. It is so funny how she knows my little quirks and pulls me up on them all the time. Jayden is the most beautiful child, I feel to young to be a grandmother but Kyla keeps calling me 'nannie Kim' too wind me up so I guess that will stick:) Definitely expect to see Jayden in some of our new Stickytiki shots.

Check out my little girl in her sling...she has a dislocated elbow and fractured wrist from a trampoline accident involving the neighbors children who had been asked not to jump on it when she was on there..umm say no more! She is fine and adjusting to life with the use of one arm..we get it rechecked on Friday.
Stickytiki has been chaotic too, with lots of orders, the prominent at the mo being Nikau's. We (well Si) are also rebuilding our website which is nearly finished..I cant wait, it is clean and contemporary and shows off our images to perfection.
We have had some lovely feedback lately and really appreciate you taking the time to tell us.
Oh and my sisters baby skin
(her nappy rash cream) product just won a prestigious award, I of course am not surprised because it is an amazing product..and that is unbiased!
Well I did it PHEW!! Back to work.
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