I made these superhero capes for the kids Christmas presents (along with the tipi), and in true child style they have only just decided to play with them!!!
I know I have been really slack lately with the blog but we have been SUPER busy lately getting our brand new website ready, which should be live by Thurs...I CANT WAIT..it is soooo much nicer and shows off our product really well. Si has spent months building it and I must say has done a SUPER job!! I will let you know and we will do a giveaway to celebrate.
Our little man has been offered a role in 'Midsummer nights dream' as a changeling child..he was feeling unwell yesterday and was sleeping at the time of the offer....oh stardom, its a tough life!
Oh and yes the blog is going to get an update soon too!
Have a great week.
Looking forward to to new creation. cheers Marie