My little man ready for his first school visit

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mr Ja Ja has a certain style all of his own..he already has a cult like following of a small girls at daycare, whose parents fret because their daughters are even dreaming about him and want their brothers to grow their hair like Jasper's!!
So for his first school visit and bad mummy hadn't given him a haircut he said 'that is ok mum I will wear my headband'...bless!!! So off he went looking Rambo-ish with bits of red paint in his hair. Within 5 mins of being there meeting the teacher and finding a group of mates he knew from daycare..he told me to go :( So I skulked away and held back the tears while other parents were being clung onto with vice like grips.
No seriously I am very happy my little man has this kind of confidence..and he often does still need his mum!


  1. Jasper looks very cute to say the least!
    You sound like you handled it very well
    Raegan xxx

  2. How cute is he !! Loving his style and a sad day for you x

  3. Thanks ladies..he is far more ready for big school than I am! :(


by mlekoshi