A testing two days

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ok I am down from my high of the last week! Yes we did have a good week..but like any other small business in these times we have our struggles..I am just glad that NZ is supposedly out of the recession..the only problem here is our $ has risen and as we sell mostly offshore so this adds new challenges. When I talk on this blog about features,and good stuff..it is me wanting to show only the positive..My partner has suggested this may seem like showing off:( I really hope it doesn't seem that way. We are a business that started at the beginning of a worldwide recession and are still surviving. Sometimes I feel like I need a pat on the back..lol even if it is me doing it:)
So please dont think all is just sun and, roses believe me we have had trying times and that is normally when I dont write anything.
To put everything into perspective I have just heard of a dear little girl Shanade who is dying of an inoperable tumor, and her dream is to go on a trip to Auckland and see all the attractions..bless her.
You can read more about her and the charity auctions being held to raise money to help her get her dream. Stickytiki is humbled to help her in our small way.
Shanade's dream

1 comment :

  1. Hi Kim, It definitely doesn't seem like showing off when you talk about the good stuff, we want to hear your triumphs and share in your achievements. Anyone who is here reading your blog is supporting you and your lovely business and we feel real pleasure when we know your fab work is being recognised, and want to share in your back-patting! We know it's not all roses and that generally you are just celebrating the good stuff but that there is hard stuff to struggle through too. You are fab & wonderful & talented and I am sooooooo thrilled with the decals I've just received from you :-)
    Shanada's story is sooo sad, I am going to try and help out in a little way too.
    Heaps of hugs,
    Jenny xxx


by mlekoshi