We have this shelf in the kitchen where everything that you use on a regular basis goes......BUT it was meant originally to look nice! You know with those cute little bits and pieces ...retro dinner tray, cool coffee set your friend has given you, funky 70s book! But somehow it always seems to get over taken with hair ties, dead batteries, birthday cards, pencils, bits of blue
tac, loose change, screws out of the door, broken bits off toys that you promise you will fix but end up staying there for 6
mths! Until one day you clean up, chuck it all (feel guilty for doing so) ...then start the whole process all over again!
Also note the gorgeous castle that Ja ja made me!
This is my shelf...yes after a cleanup!! the things that have snuck back in and are always used are:
Babybaby's healing balm...because everyone with kids should have this stuff..multi use, bumps & scrapes, anti bacterial , anti fungal made with NZ Manuka and Kanuka oils.....its just damn good for everything....even the odd sore tummy!! My very talented sister developed this product..and yes I am biased but it really is the best. One customer buys 8 tubes at time and uses it for her rheumatoid arthritis!!
The other thing on the shelf at the mo is our honey sticks that we bought from Lola & Ben.
The kids love drawing with them..they smell divine and are easy for littlies to hold..plus they are made from beeswax so safe for little people.
My big boy arrives home in just over an hour, he will be waiting at Wellington airport right now (so grownup!). he has been with his Dad, big brother and sister in Australia for two weeks. The two small ones cant wait to see their big bro..neither can Mum.