Dear Dear Deer...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We are so lucky!! This time the Dear Deer hit the Etsy front page..picked by Etsy..Yay, we have been there 3 times in the last 10 days, the other two were with the GO 'Dear Deer'!!! I have missed them every time but these are a couple of cool messages I got from people........

I am sure I am not the first one to say so but i really love your decals,they are so colorful and whimsical!
Good luck with everything, Mel

Greetings! I love, love, love your work. It's so special and different and something I would love to put in my house.

So yet again.... thanks etsy, we love you!!!


  1. such a wonderful feeling being on the front page... I remember going into the supermarket after my first time and talked to the checkout girl about it, she had no idea what I was on about but was happy for me.

  2. Hee hee I one i know outside of etsy cyber world knows why I am so excited and what it means to be noticed on etsy. I remember getting up to 19 hearts and feeling a little excited, but etsy front page brings hundreds to your shop and lots more yep I would tell the check out girl too!! x


by mlekoshi