Ooh I have been off the radar for a couple of days..no blog posts!! have been working on some new designs so I get kind of focused on that and everything takes a back seat. Little Miss Tiki is all better now, although still a little touchy about things..she is so cute when she is stroppy..hee hee reminds me of her Dad!
I cant believe how fast this week has gone..really where doses the time go? I need more hours in the day. It has been fab weather here which means Silver the dog has had her walks and the kids have got to ride in their push chair to daycare.
I cant wait to show our new designs...one of them is for the Trifle opening which is the 14th of Aug..yay.
Also don't forget only two more days to enter the Whimsical Giraffe comp below (scroll down), don't miss out you could win!!
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