Thursday, May 7, 2009

What a morning, had just finished a lovely stroll with my do Silver, when a friend rung, and told me to stay inside a lock the doors as there was a gunman on the loose, in Ahuriri which is of course where we live! SHIT... freaking out thinking next moment a gunman was going to come flying through my doors! I phoned my little kids daycare, they were already in lock down. Phoned two friends who lives right on the St where it is all happening, and cannot get hold of them, hoping they are off at work! I can still hear the helicopters flying over! At 12.00 got a call from J and K's daycare to come and pick up the kids, they just wanted everyone out! Got them and saw police blocks on a street two blocks up! Now have them both at home, like nothing has happened. My big boy is still in lockdown at school! My neighbour said our local Ahuriri policeman has been shot... not sure what is true at the moment, will keep you posted! x


  1. How horrible, hope you are all ok and your big boy is safe at home.

  2. It's terrible.

    The Tui sign there prominently makes me laugh though, their ads, so funny.

    yeah right

    I love these kiwi icons and kiwi humour, I guess I am much more appreciative of it as an outside looking in.


by mlekoshi